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Life As Worship A Shakti Sadhana-2.jpg

March 19, 2024 - June 11, 2024


The Temple Doors Are Open For Life As Worship!

Beloved sister, the temple doors are finally open for LIFE AS WORSHIP... the long awaited Part 2 to Embodying The Goddess: A Return To Sensuousness and Embodied Love! I am so excited to welcome you with open arms and a heart filled with love as we expound upon and go deeper into the teachings in Embodying The Goddess Part 1.


This course is designed for sisters who have completed Embodying The Goddess Part 1 within the past 2 years and are ready to step into deeper and more dedicated practice. If you have not completed part 1, or it has been more than 2 years since you first completed that course offering, please register for Part 1. Sisters who have previously taken Part 1 may register  at the discounted rate. 


Living Life As A Continual Worship

Verse 27 of the Sri Saundarya Lahari says "May my prattle be the utterance of Thy mantra; my hand movements, the gestures (mudras) of Thy worship; my walking, Thy circumambulation; my eating and drinking, oblations to Thee; the stretching of my limbs, prostration to Thee; all my enjoyments, the various offerings made during Thy worship. Thus may all my actions become acts of self dedication performed in the worship of Thee."  This is the very essence of this 12 week offering, that we may live in such a way that we begin to see everything and everyone in life as a gift from Her, the Divine, Holy Mother and our every action is performed as an offering of worship to Her. 


In Tantra, no act is mundane and every gesture is meaningful... everything is significant because everything is part of Her. Everything is a part of that divinity that abounds the entire universe and resides within all of creation as Kundalini Shakti. When we begin to see and feel Her presence everywhere, in every act, every step, in every being, we become deeply connected to this power (Shakti), bringing about a complete transformation of our awareness from gross to transcendental, transforming our entire existence.


In this course, we dive even deeper into Sadhana (spiritual practice) and the "Mother Teachings", the teachings of Devi (the Goddess), rooted in Tantra and Sri Vidya. These are the teachings of Love, Devotion, Beauty, Art, Culture, Creativity, Grace, Integrity, Compassion and Living From The Heart, soaked in the frequency of Divine Holy Love. We more deeply practice "Life As Worship", living life as prayer, as a continual "love making" and being able to access that feeling tone of love and bliss at any and every moment. 


Through dedicated Sadhana and learning to craft your own personal Sadhana to suit your lifestyle, you begin to more deeply put into practice what was awakened in Part 1 as you continue to learn to let go of old limiting beliefs, patterns, habits and societal programming that prevents you from living in your deep feminine essence as the fullest expression of Shakti.​

Unveiling That Which Is Eternal

Through daily, dedicated Sadhana, we begin to dismantle that which is false, that which is limited by our personality and our mind (our limited self) and slowly unveil that which is eternal, so as to become a cosmic being with cosmic perceptions.


In this offering you will learn and practice an authentic Tantric Sadhana and other feminine form practices in more depth in addition to learning the basics for creatively and lovingly crafting your own daily Shakti Sadhana to fit your life. 


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At The Altar of The Heart

For 12 weeks, together we will immerse ourselves and be saturated in the beauty, devotion, worship and grace of dedicated Sadhana, continually returning to the luminous blackness, where all truth lies, deep within the  altar of our own hearts. Remembering the wisdom of Mother as first guru and the "Mother Teachings" of love, devotion, nourishment and sensuousness, which ultimately lead us to the dissolution of it all.... transcendence. 


If you desire to continue your journey of embodiment, body as a ritual instrument of the Divine, a sacred, holy temple of worship and devotion, I lovingly invite you to step into this container for Life As Worship.

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The Journey begins on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 9AM EST with our first LIVE Call. All subsequent live calls are every other Tuesday  at 9AM EST- 11:00 AM EST (calls may be longer depending on questions/shares from participants)

This 12 week online offering runs concurrent with Part one, on the same days, but in the mornings.


There are a total of 7 total live calls including opening and closing ceremonies. 

It is always a most potent experience to be on live as much as possible, but for those who are unable to, all Live Calls are recorded and emailed within 24 hours. Access is granted to all live calls and online content for the entire duration of the course + an additional 3 months after the course ends.


Each week (beginning March 19) you also receive access to a new transmission in the online portal. There are 3 Modules with 4 transmissions in each module for a total of 12 online transmissions.  


You can always access the online portal here on our website by clicking the "Course Login" tab.



Opening Ceremony: Tuesday March 19, 2024

Live Call 2: Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Live Call 3: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Live Call 4: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Live Call 5: Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Live Call 6: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Closing Ceremony: Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Optional In Person Retreat (not included in price): June 2024 (Date TBA)


Sacred Exchange

For your heart centered investment of $444 USD***


or payment plan options available:


*2 payments of $222 (Must Register by Feb. 15, 2024)

*3 payments of $148 (Must Register by Jan. 15, 2024)


*Payments are automatically billed monthly with first payment being made upon registration



You Will Receive:

7 LIVE Calls w/ Aja "Sole" Shah (Every Other Tuesday) 

Access To Online Portal With 12 Weekly Transmissions

Authentic Tantra Sadhana to Ganesha & Ma Durga

Creating Your Own Personal Shakti Sadhana

Tantric Inner Shakti Yoga Mantra Practice 

Tantra Yogini Yoga Asana Practices

 Rituals, Pujas & Meditations

Mystical Temple Dance 

Temple Sisterhood

 & More!


20+ hours of LIVE teachings, rituals, puja and ceremony & 20+ hours of recorded content in our online portal!


*** This offering is comparably valued at well over twice the the amount we are currently offering it at but it is our desire to keep a moderate price and offer affordable payment plans (while not devaluing all of the hard work and resources that goes into these offerings, while also not charging thousands of dollars) so that more women may have access to this work, as it is so greatly needed at this moment in time.


We lovingly invite you to step into the temple to awaken and enliven every cell of your body as you create a LIFE AS WORSHIP, continuing the journey of becoming a Living Goddess, an embodiment of Her grace, love and beauty, for the benefit of ALL beings.


Photo Credit: Julianne Reynolds

Step once again into a cloud of Shakti Sensuousness, for a deeper practice of the Sacred Feminine Arts and Full Bodied Spirituality for LIFE AS WORSHIP in devotion to HER, The Divine Mother, The Goddess, as She lives in You!






Register Now By Selecting Your Payment Option:

*When selecting a payment plan, the first payment is billed automatically upon registration and each subsequent payment is automatically debited using the same form of payment the following months on the same date until paid in full. 

"I am everywhere, infusing everything. To find me, become absorbed in intense experience. Go all the way. Be drenched in the energies of life. Enter the world beyond separation. The light of a candle reveals a room. The rays of the sun reveal the world. So does the divine feminine illumine the way to me."


-Banter Verses 20-21, Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, The Radiance Sutras


Our Temple Guide

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Aja "Solé" Shah is the temple guide of the Goddess Temple of Love and the creatrix of Devi Tribe Wellness. She will be your loving guide on this journey. She has dedicated her life to raising the vibration of love on the planet through awakening the Goddess within every woman whom she has the privilege and honor of guiding. She is a trusted, loving and highly skilled Priestess and guide for many. 


Solé is an initiated Sadhaka of Shakta Tantra and Sri Vidya as well as a 500 hr. Certified Bhakti Nova Hatha Yoga Teacher, 300 hr. Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, 250 hr. Certified Mystical Dance Teacher, Sound Healer, Kemetic Yoga Practitioner, Womb Sauna Practitioner trained in Pelvic Floor Yoga Asana, Reiki Practitioner, Black Belt in Kung Fu, Clinical Herbalist, Ayurveda Wellness Practitioner, Belly Dancer, Odissi Dancer, Birth Doula, Inner Shakti Pre Natal Yoga Teacher, Red Tent Facilitator, Taoist Jade Temple Initiate, Oracle and Ordained Priestess. In addition, she has a Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.

Photo Credit: Julianne Reynolds

Goddess Temple of Love

"I am everywhere, infusing everything. To find me, become absorbed in intense experience. Go all the way. Be drenched in the energies of life. Enter the world beyond separation. The light of a candle reveals a room. The rays of the sun reveal the world. So does the divine feminine illumine the way to me."


-Banter Verses 20-21, Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, The Radiance Sutras

© 2020 Goddess Temple of Love


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